The Manufacturer’s Annual Manufacturing Report 2018 found that 92% of senior manufacturing executives believe that ‘Smart Factory’ digital technologies – including Artificial Intelligence – will enable them to increase their productivity levels and empower staff to work smarter. Smart factories are not a futuristic ideal. They are one of the key differentiators that will help future-proof your business NOW. Bluechink shall provide the necessary framework for the digital transformation and intelligent customer experience. This helps companies in undertaking this journey in a phased manner.
Internet of Things (IoT) in Logistics and warehouse management is measured with millions of shipments that are moved each day, through either machines or people. Bluechinks’s solution on connecting different assets of supply chain in an organized way and implementing AI on the data will help the company in their journey of digital transformation and intelligent customer experience.
With the rising need for smart automation of existing processes, digital transformation has entered the traditional hospitality landscape with a promise to enhance hotel reputation, drive revenue and take customer experience to the next level. Bluechink shall help in making an intelligent customer experience a reality.
IoT & AI drives efficiency, personalization and streamline admin tasks. This allows teachers the time and freedom to focus on their core human capabilities where machines would struggle. By leveraging the best attributes of machines and teachers, the vision for AI & IoT in education is to have best experience for staff and students. Bluechink expertise in IoT & AI shall provide consultative approach with phase wise execution of digital transformation.